Learn how to create your own credit repair business in less than 45 days and make hundreds of thousands of dollars using my blueprint.

A detailed guide for an aspiring entreprenHER

Learn how to create your own credit repair business and make hundreds of thousands of dollars using my blueprint....

“I've used this exact blueprint to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit repair. If you are thinking of creating your own credit repair business, Clutch Academy is the place to be.”

-Lakeisha Payne

Just like a real honest to goodness blueprint...

>>Training: 5 Week course curriculum 

>>High-quality online modules & live videos

>>Access to course 6 months after course

>>Mobile and tablet friendly 

>>Exclusive Facebook community

>>Credit Repair Training Certificate 

>> And much more...

I can help you with everything you need to make a profitable business!

An immersive online experience. The course includes extensive pre-recorded video content, a class workbook, interactive assignments, and community activities. The videos are viewable at any time, and they can be paused, fast-forward, and re-watched as many times as you'd like. In addition, many students utilize the class discussions to share their thoughts, upload their performances, and provide feedback. At the end of this course, you will have the knowledge to start a successful credit repair business.

The premier training platform for entreprenHERS looking to build an empire...

Hi, I’m Lakeisha!

I’ve spent years talking with leading credit repair experts in the industry as well as reading, writing, and experimenting with my own strategies to develop a simple and practical ways to build and run a credit repair company. This course is the culmination of all that work.

And...In my Clutch Academy course, I will be giving you the exact framework that I use. I am going to helps entreprenHERS plan, and create businesses of maximum impact!

Are you ready for a course that will push the boundaries and completely TRANSFORM you into a business boss?

Join me, you won't regret it !

….here are some of the essential things you will learn in this course

There are videos for every lesson as well as PDF slides so you can learn at your own pace and in your preferred format.

The core modules include:

Structuring Your Business Legally
Registration and Licensing
Professional Email / Website
Business Branding
FICO Scoring
Credit Laws & Regulations
Credit Repair Software
Disputing Techniques
Factual Dispute Methodology
Merchant Account
Business Marketing
Additional Streams of Income
Bonus Modules
Plus, extra Q&A videos with Lakeisha Payne based on the questions you have during the course.

....I’ll be giving you over $5,400 worth of valuable knowledge!


Answers to all your questions...

When does enrollment start?

Enrollment starts February 28, 2020 and ends April 10, 2020. 

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts April 27, 2020 and ends May 31, 2020. 

There are 12+ modules of material that will be spaced over several weeks.

The academy is a instructor-directed online course. However, you'll have access to the course content for six months after the course has ended.

How long is the course? Will I have time for this?

This course has been designed to deliver the maximum amount of value in the minimum amount of time.  

Overall, it is a 5 week course, but it has been cut up into short weekly modules.

And you can easily refer back to any lesson or topic whenever needed.

How long do I have access to the course?

After May 31, 2020 you'll have unlimited access to the course for 6 months - across any and all devices you own. 

You can also interact with the community of other students to encourage each other to practice your craft. 


What if I struggle to keep up with the course?

This course will occupy a minimum of six hours per week, without distractions.

The Credit Academy comes with an 5-week email accountability course that walks you through each module and provides additional reminders to review course materials. It's like someone is holding your hand through the entire course.

What if I don't like the course?

It’s so important to me that this course provides value for you. 

All of the lessons and modules are immediately available to you after the course starts. 

Due to the nature of this course, there will be no refunds given.


Do I need to buy anything special or additional to participate in this course?

You will need access to a personal computer with internet access.

Some activities in this course require that you use a microphone and web-camera.

The online course platform is Teachable. 

Do you offer a payment plan for this course?

There are two payment options:

  • One time payment of $894 which includes a bonus one on one call with Lakeisha.
  • Two installment payments of $447 before April 20, 2020. 

***Last day to sign up for installment payment option is

March 20 , 2020.

I still have questions. How do I contact you?

 If you have any questions about the course, please email: [email protected]

Click the button above to continue on to Teachable and enroll using your preferred payment plan.